I believe these are the areas of concern and areas of interest that we should be watching right now in 2015 and beyond:
1. The new elections for Prime Minister in Israel.
2. The Jews want a temple built on the Temple Mount.
3. Russia, Ukraine, China and The Middle East.
4. Look for The Lord to continue to move all Middle Eastern and European players into their roles
5. Terrorism and/or Violence to Increase...
The curtain is about ready to rise and the last scene or act of the ages is about ready to begin!
Listen to The FULL 10 Minute "Watchman" Audio
Report Below!
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The PDF Report Here
For those interested, I have included my "audio -
prophecy playlist" for all of 2014 below:
Note: Scroll the list and play that selection. List
will auto-advance and play automatically as well...
God Bless you and your entire family as you seek to serve our Lord in 2015…
Keep looking up – Jesus is coming back soon!
Bro Stef
Watchman & Publisher
“Middle East Peace Update Report”
Call After 10am PST: (951) 743-2471
Email: [email protected]
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